Sunday, February 7, 2016

Verbal & Non-verbal communication (Revised)

Verbal communication encompasses any form of communication involving words, spoken, written or signed. Together with non-verbal communication, it can affect people’s perceptions and exchanges in subtle but significant ways. Non-verbal communication includes body language, such as gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and posture. Here, I am going to share with you an observation between a salesman and a Caucasian.

Singaporeans have a unique slang within us, called Singlish. I saw a conversation between a Singaporean salesman and a Caucasian tourist. When the Caucasian ask the salesman how this product works, he replied: “Chicken feet lah!” The Caucasian then stop the salesman as was confused, “Why do I need a chicken feet for this product to work!?” He spoke to the salesman in a harsh tone. The salesman then calm him down and explain what he really meant. After the Caucasian understood the meaning of “Chicken feet” both of them started laughing.

This observation made me realise that there is a great language barrier among them as they came from different culture. The way they are brought up are very different.

Besides verbal communication, non-verbal communication can also affect the people around us. The words he said to the Caucasian affect his emotions. The salesman immediately react to his body language when the Caucasian turn red. Facial expression also tell us what the person is feeling now and also show his/her characteristics.

In conclusion, verbal and non-verbal communication can affect how people think and act. Though this may look like a negative story, not everyone thinks the same way. Some may think it as a learning lesson and reflection. Some may think the Caucasian is harsh. We can put ourselves in their shoes, however it all depends on the person's personality, characteristics and how they picture it.


1 comment:

  1. I agree that to be able to adapt quickly to situations and its adequate response, verbal or non-verbal changes the outcome.

    Most of the time, we have to be relatively collected in our thoughts in order to execute. Emotions play a large part in our ability to adapt.

    The ladies and gentlemen mentioned in your post might not be fully aware of each others' emotions and develop their thoughts and breakthroughs in handling the situation.

    Overtime, each group member would be able to handle each other more adequately, as individuals and as a group.

    May you have fun experimenting different reactions to effect different outcomes!
